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Why Invisalign Might Be Right for You

Did you know a less-than-straight smile is more than a cosmetic issue? Crooked teeth with incorrect spacing can do more than have you covering your grin. These dental issues can cause serious problems like gum disease and other oral trouble. 

At 2K Dental, our experienced providers put your dental health and wellbeing first. That’s one of the reasons we offer Invisalign® dental aligners for patients in Akron, Parma, and Cleveland, Ohio. 

There’s a reason over 8 million Americans have opted to straighten their smiles with Invisalign. Here’s a look at four signs that Invisalign is right for you! 

1. You don’t need severe correction 

Invisalign aligners can fix many smile issues, including crooked teeth, overcrowding, over-, under-, cross-, and open bites, and smiles with gaps. However, it isn’t the right choice if your teeth need severe correction. Complex corrections may require more involved treatments. 

2. You’re committed to straighter teeth

Even though Invisalign dental aligners are easy to use, they require a high level of commitment. Patients must wear them for 20-22 hours each day and advance to a new set of aligners every two weeks. Without commitment, it can be easy to forget to put them back in or to leave them off completely. 

If you don’t wear Invisalign as prescribed, your teeth won’t improve. If you aren’t fully committed to wearing Invisalign as directed, other orthodontic options don’t offer the opportunity to remove them — or forget to put them back in.

3. You’re the right age

If you’re an older teen or adult, Invisalign may be the right way for you to straighten your teeth without getting a mouth full of metal. Children and younger adolescents, however, still have too much growing to do for the Invisalign teeth straightening system to work effectively. 

4. You need flexibility

If you have a busy schedule, Invisalign offers the flexibility you need. These dental aligners only require appointments every six to eight weeks, so your schedule isn’t interrupted more often than necessary. 

Invisalign also offers you the ability to eat and drink normally, unlike metal braces that may require you to skip your favorite foods and treats. Simply brush and floss normally, and remove your Invisalign aligners at meal times. 

Getting started with Invisalign

To start straightening your teeth with Invisalign, schedule an exam with experienced and trained dental professionals. The team at 2K Dental evaluates your orthodontic needs. If you’re a candidate for Invisalign, our dentists create a customized treatment plan for you.

Getting Invisalign starts with a series of X-rays, pictures, and impressions of your teeth and mouth. We send your information to the Invisalign laboratories, where technicians customize your series of aligners specifically for your mouth. 

Ready to learn more about Invisalign and whether it’s right for you? Contact the 2K Dental office nearest you, and schedule a consultation today.

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